When you have driving convictions, you might find it difficult to get car insurance. Where before your convictions, you might have had insurers queuing to offer you quotes, you will likely have fewer options with convictions. Why is this the case, and what can you do to find insurance in the future?
The Risks
Insurers work on a principle of risk. They are willing to accept risks up to a certain extent. Individual insurers set the levels of risk that they are willing to accept. When you have driving convictions, insurers will view you as a higher risk. That means that many of them will consider you as beyond their level of acceptable risk.
Why am I a Higher Risk?
It might seem unfair that having a driving conviction makes you a higher risk. After all, you could easily have a conviction that relates to something other than your ability to drive safely. However, this is not how insurers see it. They can only base their decisions on what has happened in the past – not what you might do in the future. Although insurers make predictions about how likely you are to make a claim, your past is all they have to go on.
What Should I do?
What is important is to contact the people who understand the market for people with driving convictions. At Alternative Insurance Brokers, we specialise in finding cover for people with driving histories. When you get us to help you find convicted driver insurance, we search the market for insurers who are happy to accept the risk you represent.
What do I Need?
For us to help you get insurance, we need as much of your information as possible. If we don’t get all the information we need, and the insurers find out about some missing information later, it could prove to be very expensive to rectify – or even cause your cover to be cancelled. We need to know all the usual details – such as your address, your driving history and what you plan to use the car for. In addition to this, we need to know as much as we can about your convictions. This includes both your driving convictions, and any criminal convictions or county court judgements you might have.
What Happens Next?
When we have all the information that we need, we will contact the wide panel of insurers that we work with. We shop the market for the best deals we can find with insurers who are willing to accept drivers with a history of driving convictions. Then, we bring the prices we have been able to find back to you so that you can find the right cover for you.